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- Employees
- Vanessa Burgess
- James Patrick
- Nathan Young
- Tori Lueke
- James Anderson
- Brittani Miller
- Darrell Johnson
- Sandra Griffin
- Marcus Abston
- Janelle Lyons
- Tara Kellermann
- Dean Meredith
- Emily Eilers
- Juliana Weiner
- Perry Michael
- Chris Holloway
- Kylee Williams
- Madeleine Renken
- Mike Pender
- Kevin Jansen
- Jessica Niepoetter
- Jenna Astroth
- Zachary Miller
- Reece Rutland
- Stephanie Burgher
- Kendra Mueller
- Rachel Johnson
- Kimberly Basch
- Linza Brachear
- Jyron Oliver
- Rayne Niederhofer
- Cari Butts
- Craig Boehne
- Mary Suedmeyer
- Matthew Dunbar
- Cody Paul
- Trishia Kohnen
- Kali Michael
- Jennifer Brink
- Megan Warden
- Tina Winkeler
- Taryn Chesnek
- Michael Fuqua
- Susan Weibley
- Michael Christensen
- Cynthia Field
- Kendra Ripperda
- Sara Hanks
- Byron Shanks
- Sarah Foley
- Jessica Foster
- Shawn Connelly
- Katy Knolhoff
- Ron Perkins
- Eric Howard
- Margo Wagner
- Rebecca Hitpas
- Byron Keller
- Justine Milicevic
- Rachael Burkhardt
- Josie Spihlmann
- Scott Steward
- Diana Taintor
- Colten Leidner
- Jennifer Gazda
- Nathaniel Gibbs
- Zachary Ricke
- Lisa Wright
- Maurya Gill
- Steven Foutch
- Joy Fitts
- Kevin Wheeler
- Laura Pokojski
- Gina Cagle
- Whitney Wadkins
- Lindsey Utech
- Alison Bauza
- Levi Cross
- Terri Freeman
- Abbie Potter
- Connor Pollmann
- Aryashree Kharel
- Amy Woltering
- Christopher Wellen
- Lesley Brower
- Andrea Shipley
- Shawn Richards
- Deanna Kreher
- Todd Lewis
- Erin Hitchcock
- Kaylee Hilmes
- Michelle Sarver
- Sara Koopmann
- Marion Garrett
- Timothy Brown
- Charlee George
- George Kriss
- Nicholas Rahar
- Catherine Legrand
- Kelsey Tate
- Whitley Wyciskalla
- Suzanne Arndt
- Rachel Hartmann
- Cary Day
- Kyle Floyd
- Jenna Ratermann
- Traci Masau
- Shelby Guthrie
- William Haake
- Milan (Russ) Gardner
- Karol Potter
- Dustin Wilson
- Jody Roper
- Lauri Dougherty
- Shara Smith
- Brian Atchison
- Myka Hugo
- Maria Zimmermann
- Michael Geiger
- Timothy Wight
- Marsha Baro
- Janet Fontenot
- Kristin Gebke
- Doreen Buckmore
- John Barnes
- Phyllis Pick
- Rachel Varel
- Cheryl Rushing
- Mark Litteken
- Alan Boerngen
- Sherry Cantrill
- Christine Wheeler
- Olivia Hanks
- Travis Field
- Kevin Hodge
- Cory Wellen
- Sandi Laurent
- Thomas Henegar
- Julie Obermark
- Jacob Frazier
- Amy Blankenship
- Lyle Gross
- Christina Cody
- Mitch Koester
- Yvette Nothaus
- Alexis Myers
- Tammy Lyons
- Rebecca McElhose
- Stephanie Henson
- Lois Kellermann
- Robert Jervis
- Shannon Zelasko
- Angela Meyers
- Sarah Ratermann
- Wade Hunter
- Tabatha Thomas
- Christena Elliott
- Jerad Hustedde
- Pamela Hill
- Nichole Macon
- Bernard Holthaus
- Donald Bade
- Amy Sapp
- Kim Storm
- Angela Gross
- Tiffany Hixenbaugh
- Terri Sanders
- Mark Kohnen
- Robert Rhymes
- Erin Landers
- Carrie Hancock
- Caitlin Burroughs
- Kathy Crain
- William Waggoner
- Scott Crothers
- Franceska Windler
- George Evans
- Tessa Opfer
- Ronald Kwiatkowski
- Clint Stevens
- Matthew Szatkowski
- Lisa Ring
- Michele Hill
- Joshua Woods
- Eric Jones
- Kimberly Rahar
- Claudia Smith
- Ivan Neabuhr
- Candace Sloat
- Jay Garrett
- Wendy Blythe
- Nathan Wilkins
- Brandi Wilkins
- Peter Vig
- Beth Urban
- Cheryl Twenhafel
- Travis Turley
- Amy Zanton
- Jeffrey Sulcer
- Mike Stone
- Linda Still
- Lori Schmidt
- Robyn Rohrscheib
- Brandon Richter
- Cydney Richardson
- Kerri Richards
- Mimi Polczynski
- Misti Pawlisa
- Staci Palm
- Jodi Palm
- John Orlet
- Brad Odum
- Nancy Mattson
- William Mathena
- Kelli Malone
- Mark Lee
- Kenneth Ingersoll
- Angenien Huffstutler
- Cynthia Hoffmann
- Kellie Henegar
- Aaron Heinzmann
- Margo Guetersloh
- Bruce Fink
- Laura Findley
- Sharon Elwood
- Brian Hancock
- Jason Cavaletto
- Peter Donnelly
- Charles DeBernardi
- Brian Cambron
- Jamie Boatright
- Laura Finley
- Joe Basch
- Lisa Barrow
- Laura Sheathelm
- Stacy Arning
- Jenna Eldred
- Micki Adams
- Shannon Harris
- Melissa O'Connor
- Amanda Krydynski
- Patrick Miller
- Jeff Thomas
- Alaina Kohnen
- Cameron Meredith
- Christopher Hottes
- Aaron Collins
- Jamie Fuqua
- Office
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Freedom of Information Act
- From the President
- Human Resources
- Maps & Directions
- Mission & Vision
- News & Events
- Policies & Procedures
- Strategic Planning
- Student Right to Know
- Student Stories
- Title III
- Veterans Tribute
- Information for
- Academics
- Academic Calendars
- Academic Departments
- Accounting
- Agriculture
- Architecture & Engineering Drafting Technology
- Art
- Automotive Technology
- Business
- Carpentry Occupations
- Communication
- Computer Information Technology
- Construction Project Management
- Cosmetology
- Criminal Justice
- Culinary Arts
- Dental Assisting
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Early Childhood Education
- Economics
- English
- Engineering
- Fine & Performing Arts
- Foreign Language
- Geospatial Technology
- General Education
- Health Information Technology
- Heating, Vent & Air Conditioning
- History
- Humanities
- Industrial Technology
- Journalism
- Mathematics
- Nursing
- Office Technologies
- Administrative Office Basics Certificate
- Excel Specialist Microcertificate
- Legal Office Personnel Certificate
- Medical Billing and Coding Certificate
- Medical Office Assistant Degree
- Medical Office Personnel Certificate
- Office Assistant Degree
- Office Technologies Certificate
- Word Specialist Microcertificate
- Business Learning Center
- Paraprofessional Educator
- Paramedicine
- Philosophy
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Physical & Life Sciences
- Political Science
- Pre-Professional
- Psychology
- Radiology
- Resident and Commercial Electrical Tech
- Respiratory Therapy
- Social & Behavioral Sciences
- Sociology
- Teacher Education
- Theatre
- Truck Driver Training
- Welding Technology
- Adult Education & Literacy
- Apprenticeship Program
- Aspirations in Manufacturing
- Business & Industry
- College for High School Students
- College Catalog
- Find a Course
- CITA-122
- AUTO-136
- PHED-237A
- PSCI-103
- MUSC-166
- MUSC-156
- MUSC-126
- MATH-135
- MENU-0116
- COED-7495
- COED-5999
- COED-5494
- XRAY-197
- PTAS-262
- PRNU-166
- PRNU-160
- PRNU-153
- PRNU-145
- MATH-172
- LAWO-140
- ECES-100
- DNTA-141
- COSM-132
- COSM-130
- COSM-121
- COSM-120
- COSM-116
- COSM-112B
- CITC-123
- ZOOL-101
- XRAY-211
- XRAY-146
- XRAY-111
- WELD-252
- WELD-250
- WELD-246
- WELD-204
- WELD-189
- WELD-125
- TECM-110A
- TECM-110
- SPAN-102
- SPAN-101
- SOCO-252
- SOCO-202
- SOCO-101
- RESP-217
- RESP-117
- RESP-115
- PTAS-257
- PTAS-255
- PTAS-168
- PTAS-167
- PTAS-166
- PTAS-164
- PTAS-162
- PTAS-158
- PSYH-216
- PSYH-215
- PSYH-101
- PSYH-100
- PSCI-180
- PSCI-101
- PRNU-162
- PRNU-159
- PRNU-158
- PRNU-154
- PRNU-151
- PRNU-143
- POLS-101
- PHYS-201
- PHLE-201
- PHLE-121
- PHLE-120
- PHLE-119
- PHLE-110
- PHED-250
- PHED-245
- PHED-242
- PHED-233
- PHED-232
- PHED-230
- PHED-214
- PHED-133
- PHED-128
- PHED-118
- OFTC-280
- OFTC-260
- OFTC-254
- OFTC-253
- OFTC-186
- OFTC-152
- OFTC-151
- OFTC-150
- OFTC-115
- OFTC-111
- OFTC-110
- OFTC-108
- OFTC-101
- NURS-216
- NURS-214
- NURS-213
- NURS-212
- NURS-211
- NURS-209
- NURS-111
- NURS-109
- NURS-107
- NURS-106
- NURS-105
- NURS-104
- NURS-101
- NAST-160
- MUSC-299
- MUSC-223
- MUSC-207
- MUSC-202
- MUSC-186
- MUSC-142
- MUSC-138
- MUSC-123
- MUSC-119
- MUSC-107
- MUSC-101
- MUSC-100
- MEDT-104
- MATH-269
- MATH-267
- MATH-166
- MATH-160
- MATH-143
- MATH-107
- MATH-102
- MATH-101
- MATH-034
- LITO-218
- LITO-115
- LITO-110
- LITO-103
- LEAD-150
- LAWO-280
- LAWO-265
- LAWO-255
- LAWO-250
- LAWO-235
- LAWO-215
- LAWO-210
- LAWO-171
- LAWO-120
- LAWO-110
- INDT-280
- INDT-276
- INDT-270
- INDT-220
- INDT-213
- INDT-212
- INDT-211
- INDT-190
- INDT-132
- INDT-112
- INDT-106
- HVAC-112
- HVAC-111
- HVAC-110
- HVAC-109
- HVAC-108
- HVAC-106
- HLTH-208
- HLTH-107
- HLTH-102
- HLSK-105
- HLSK-101
- HITC-214
- HITC-213
- HITC-212
- HITC-203
- HITC-202
- HITC-102
- HIST-147
- HIST-104
- GEOG-104
- GEOG-101
- ENGR-210
- ENGR-203
- ENGL-186
- ENGL-178
- ENGL-102
- ENGL-101
- ENGL-100A
- ENGL-100
- EMST-110
- EDUC-202
- EDUC-200
- EDUC-190
- EDUC-101
- ECON-206
- ECON-205
- DRMA-111
- DNTA-140
- DNTA-139
- DNTA-132
- DNTA-131
- DNTA-129
- DNTA-127
- DNTA-122
- DNTA-111
- DGMS-244
- DGMS-231
- DGMS-226
- DGMS-225
- DFTG-243
- DFTG-232
- DFTG-210
- DFTG-201
- DFTG-172
- DFTG-137
- DFTG-126
- CULI-210
- CULI-202
- CULI-201
- CULI-106
- CULI-105
- CULI-104
- CTOM-222
- CTOM-221
- CTOM-220
- CSTR-220
- CSTR-210
- CSTR-186
- CSTR-140
- CSTR-104
- CSTR-102
- CSPM-104
- COSM-125
- COSM-123
- COSM-122B
- COSM-122A
- COSM-118
- COSM-117
- COSM-115
- COSM-112A
- COSM-104
- CNEL-276
- CNEL-270
- CNEL-211
- CNEL-168
- CNEL-116
- CNEL-106
- CITW-220
- CITS-248
- CITS-245
- CITS-145
- CITS-115
- CITP-155
- CITN-240
- CITN-235
- CITN-225
- CITN-220
- CITN-217
- CITN-116
- CITN-114
- CITN-113
- CITN-110
- CITG-250
- CITD-230
- CITD-220
- CITC-210
- CITC-122
- CITA-151
- CITA-120
- CITA-110
- CITA-100
- CHEM-209
- CHEM-112
- CHEM-101
- BUSN-218
- BUSN-215
- BUSN-210
- BUSN-207
- BUSN-206
- BUSN-201
- BUSN-156
- BUSN-148
- BUSN-137
- BUSN-134
- BUSN-128
- BUSN-127
- BUSN-115
- BUSN-103
- BIOL-215
- BIOL-146
- BIOL-125
- BIOL-122
- BIOL-102
- BIOL-101
- AUTO-286
- AUTO-276
- AUTO-236
- AUTO-230
- AUTO-225
- AUTO-180
- AUTO-170
- AUTO-161
- AUTO-140
- ARTO-217
- ARTO-214
- ARTO-204
- ARTO-117
- ARTO-113
- ARTO-111
- ARTO-107
- ARTO-105
- ARTO-103
- ARTO-102
- ARTO-101
- ANTH-101
- AGRC-233
- AGRC-230
- AGRC-227
- AGRC-224
- AGRC-222
- AGRC-213
- AGRC-212
- AGRC-210
- AGRC-201
- AGRC-155
- AGRC-124
- AGRC-113
- AGRC-102
- ACCT-272
- ACCT-250
- ACCT-247
- ACCT-202
- ACCT-201
- ACCT-100
- COED-5483
- LLI-7102
- CKICK-5083
- BSC-7126
- BSC-7119
- COSM-158
- BSC-7120
- CNEL-104
- MENU-0111
- BSC-7121
- PTAS-260
- XRAY-204
- XRAY-105
- RESP-218
- RESP-116
- DGMS-237
- CTOM-223
- XRAY-234
- XRAY-233
- XRAY-232
- XRAY-231
- XRAY-230
- XRAY-220
- KCTT-101
- POLS-145
- PARM-111
- KNSO-101
- PARM-260
- PARM-155
- XRAY-121
- PARM-245
- PARM-225
- PARM-160
- LITO-210
- DRMA-220
- DRMA-200
- CSTR-201
- CSTR-200
- CSTR-141
- COMM-204
- ACCT-270
- CULI-207
- PHED-236
- DFTG-122
- CSPM-107
- COMM-103
- Find a Program
- Online Learning
- Transfer from KC
- Aspen University
- Capella University
- Central Methodist University
- Chamberlain College of Nursing
- Eastern Illinois University
- Franklin University
- Greenville University
- Governors State University
- Illinois College
- Indiana Wesleyan University
- McKendree University
- Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Murray State University
- Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
- Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
- St. John’s College of Nursing
- Western Illinois University
- Workforce Equity Initiative
- Workforce Development & Community Education
- Admissions
- Foundation & Giving
- Campus Life