KC students in their graduation robes posing with faculty member Angenien Huffstutler.

Alumni & Friends

Welcome Kaskaskia College Alumni! Whether you've taken a class, or completed a degree or certificate, you are a member of the Kaskaskia College family and hold a special place in our hearts.

While your time as a student has come to an end, you will always remain a member of the KC Family, and we want to keep you engaged in an ongoing, rewarding relationship with KC, long after your final class.


The Kaskaskia College Alumni and Friends Association is committed to serving the mission of the College in supporting opportunities for lifelong learning and high quality comprehensive education.

Through its alumni association Kaskaskia College is providing a vehicle that will not only stimulate this activity but also keep the community, alumni and friends of Kaskaskia College aware and involved in the life of the College. There is a great deal of pride in those who are members of the Kaskaskia College family and the KC Alumni and Friends provides an opportunity for those family members to give something back to an institution that has given them so much.


The Alumni and Friends Association will become a dynamic and active organization serving a major role in the advancement of the College.


  • To create a Scholarship Endowment Fund with an immediate goal of $250,000, with a challenge goal of $1,000,000 in providing those with financial needs the opportunity for higher education.
  • To provide for networking opportunities for individuals on a personal and professional basis.
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