Disability Support Services

The Disability Support Services Office provides services and accommodations for students with documented disabilities, which can include learning, physical, visual, or emotional disabilities. The services are designed to make educational opportunities at KC equally accessible to all students enrolled in college credit classes.

Students are responsible for identifying themselves as needing disability support services, for providing appropriate documentation, and for requesting accommodations through the DSS office.

Apply for Services

To apply for reasonable accommodations at the college, please complete the Disability Accommodation Request Form. As part of the application process, students will need to upload their documentation of disability, such as an IEP/504 Plan from high school, evaluations, and/or letters from medical professionals. Once the form is completed, the Disability Support Services division of the Equity and Access Office will contact students via KC email to discuss the application and how to receive services.

To apply for accommodations on the KC placement exam, prior to enrollment, please complete the online application and contact us directly at wellness@groups.kaskaskia.edu so that we may schedule your testing with accommodations. 

Contact Information

Terri Freeman

Phone  |  618-545-3280

  • Main Campus
  • Health and Business, HB 118
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