Cafeteria Cooks

Dining Services

Eating Well

Kaskaskia College offers a variety of options for dining, snacking and refreshments. Whether you're ready to sit down and enjoy your meal, planning an event or simply want fresh grab 'n' go—you'll find the right option to satisfy your appetite—and your budget!

Hours of operation

The KC Cafeteria is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30 AM- 2:00 PM and on Friday from 7:30 AM- 1:00 PM during the Spring and Fall semesters. Our Summer hours are Monday-Thursday from 7:30 AM- 2:30 PM, and closed on Friday.

Food allergies

We do offer items that consist of eggs, nuts, gluten,  and any other allergy source. For assistance with allergy questions please contact Michael Fuqua.

Get In Touch

If you still have questions contact our department and we’ll be happy to help.

Michael Fuqua

Phone  |  618-545-3077

  • Main Campus
  • Fine Arts, A 124B
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