Sarah Ratermann Financial Aid Specialist

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Mandatory Fees
Type Per Credit Hour Online Credit Hours
KC District 501 Students
$166.00 $166.00
Out-of-district students* $265.00 $176.00
Out-of-state and international students $425.00 $176.00

who enroll in any approved Joint Agreement program are required to file a letter of Certification of Residency from the student's home college with the Admissions Office prior to enrollment and may qualify for tuition on the same basis as In-District students.

 students who are employed full-time within District 501 may qualify for in-district rates.

Student Payment Responsibilities

Financial responsibility begins at the time of registration. When a student registers for a class, he/she is liable for payment of the charges associated with that class. If a student does not attend class(es), the student must officially drop the class(es) within the specified add/drop period, or full charges will occur. You are responsible for keeping Kaskaskia College informed of any address or telephone changes.

Students utilizing financial aid must confirm their eligibility with the KC Financial Aid Office. Financial assistance includes scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study. All students should complete the FAFSA to determine eligibility.

Students whose employer is paying their tuition must present the purchase order, tuition assistance form, or letter of intent on company letterhead at the time of registration.

Any balance of tuition and fees or other charges should be paid in full by the posted deadline. Students with outstanding balances will be denied future registration privileges, grades, transcripts, and diplomas.

Refund of Tuition and Fees

A student enrolling in a class automatically assumes the responsibility of properly dropping the class(es) when the student decides not to attend or complete the course.

A refund of tuition and fees cannot be made unless a student officially drops the class in the Office of Admissions and Records. (Even if you have not paid your fees, you will be charged for the class if you do not officially drop it.)

Refunds will be computed from the date that the written request to be dropped from a class is received in the Office of Admissions and Records and will be based on the following schedule for a 16-week class:

16 Week Classes
Timeline Refund Amount
First 2 weeks of semester 100%
After 2nd week of semester 0%
8 Week Classes
Timeline Refund Amount
First week of semester 100%
After 1st week of semester 0%

The timeframe varies for classes of different lengths. Tuition and fees will not be refunded after the second week of classes. For students receiving Title IV funding, please contact the Financial Aid office regarding changes in eligibility due to drops or withdrawals.

Senior Citizen Waiver

By a resolution of the Board of Trustees, Kaskaskia College extends a waiver of tuition and mandatory fees to residents of the district who have attained the age of 65 at the time of registration. The waiver is applicable to all baccalaureate and vocational courses for which Kaskaskia College receives funding on a per semester hour basis from the Illinois Community College Board. The waiver is applicable to those courses where the minimum number of tuition-paid registrants has been received and space is available up to the maximum class enrollment.

Employer in District

Out-of-district students who are employed full-time within District 501 may qualify for in-district rates. The required form is available in the Admissions and Records area and must be completed each semester. The in-district employer must complete a new form each semester.

Non-Credit Course Refund

Students who cancel their registration more than two business days before the start of a non-credit course will receive a full refund. Cancellations within two business days before the start of the course will not be eligible for a refund, and no-show students will not be eligible for a refund.

Refund Appeals: Students who wish to appeal for a refund may submit a request. Contact the Workforce Development and Community Education department for information and a copy of the appeal document. 618-545-3255 or

How to Cancel: Students who wish to cancel their registration should contact the department by phone at 618-545-3255 or email at Students may also cancel within the registration system directly via

Financial Obligations to the College

Students who fail to meet financial obligations and/or return materials to the College may be prevented from registering and from receiving grade reports, diplomas, certificates, and transcripts. At the end of each semester, students with unpaid tuition and fees will be referred to the College's Collection Agency.

Kaskaskia College issues all refunds through BankMobile. To view our institution's contract with BankMobile, a Division of Customer Bank. For more information about BankMobile, visit this link:

Get In Touch


Phone  |  618-545-3057

  • Main Campus
  • Health and Business, HB 130
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