Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

I. Authority
In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education and State of Illinois student aid regulations, Kaskaskia College (KC) is required to establish minimum standards of Academic Progress to qualify for federal and state financial aid. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that students are making progress toward the completion of their educational program of study. Students who do not attend or withdraw from classes, defer grades, and perform poorly will not maintain satisfactory academic progress toward completion of their program of study and will become ineligible for financial aid. Minimal standards are subject to change in accordance with the U. S. Department of Education and State of Illinois regulations.

II. Financial Aid Programs Covered
The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy applies to students who are requesting or receiving funds from the following federal and state financial aid programs: » Federal PELL Grant » Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant » Federal Work Study » Federal TRIO » Federal Veterans Educational Benefits » ISAC, Monetary Award (MAP) » ISAC, Illinois Veterans Grant » ISAC, Illinois National Guard » MIA/POW III. Minimum Academic Standards Requirements. 

III. Minimum Academic Standards Requirements
The SAP policy measures a student’s academic progress in three ways. Students must meet all three standards to be in good status. Below are how certain situations are handled:

  • Incompletes – if a student receives an Incomplete grade after a semester their aid will be pended until the class is completed. Once a grade is processed the student’s SAP will be re-evaluated.
  • Withdraws – if a student withdraws from a class or classes after the add/drop period they will receive a W on their transcript and they will be counted as attempted credits toward completion.
  • Repeat Courses – if a student repeats a course it will be calculated into the completion rate as an attempted class. The highest grade achieved is used to calculate the overall grade point average.
  • Change in Degree/Certificate – once a student has had an appeal granted either for cumulative grade point average or maximum timeframe and they change their degree or certificate they will be required to re-appeal to evaluate new degree or certificate.
  • Second Degree – students may pursue a 2nd degree but all previous credits will be calculated for new degree. If a student reaches maximum timeframe they will be required to appeal. If it is determined it is mathematically impossible for the student to complete 150% of its length the appeal will not be granted.

A. Cumulative Grade Point Average
You must achieve and maintain at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all credit hours attempted at KC.

Grading System
At the end of each semester, the student will receive a grade for each class in which he or she was enrolled. Kaskaskia College has adopted a 4.0 grade point system. The following letter grades and grade points are used in computing a grade point average:

Grade Description Grade Points
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Below Average 1
F Failure 0
I Incomplete  
S Satisfactory  
W Withdrawal  

B. Cumulative Completion Rate (CCR) KC’s CCR measures the pace a student is progressing through his/her program. Each student must pass a minimum of 67% of program-required courses attempted to ensure the student will complete the program within the maximum time frame. The CCR is calculated by taking the total credit hours earned and dividing them by the total credit hours attempted. The CCR is calculated for each student after each semester. A student's GPA and pace are affected by course incompletes, withdrawals, repetitions, or transfers of credit. For CCR purposes all hours are counted for all terms, even those for which the students did not receive financial aid as well as those usually waived under Academic Renewal Policy. The only courses that will be used to calculate the CCR are courses as follows:

  1. Courses that are required for the student's program with a grade of ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’
  2. All accepted transfer credits
  3. Remedial coursework is accepted if the credit hours earned apply toward the degree or certificate program and no more than 30 credit hours will be allowed for financial aid benefits

Following is an example of how a student might fail to meet the 67% unit completion requirement: A student awarded financial aid based on full-time (12) credit hours must complete 8 credit hours during the term to meet SAP standards. This student met SAP standards in the fall but failed in the spring and summer.


Semester Awarded At 67% Completed SAP Status
Fall Full Time (12 Credit Hours) 8 Credit Hours 8 Credit Hours Fail
Spring Full Time (12 Credit Hours) 8 Credit Hours 6 Credit Hours Fail
Summer Full Time (6 Credit Hours) 4 Credit Hours 3 Credit Hours Fail

C. Maximum Time Frame

You must complete your program of study within 150% of attempted credit hours relative to the credit hours required to complete the program. Transfer credits from all other institutions are counted toward the maximum time frame for graduation. Example: A degree-seeking student may attempt no more than 90 credit hours to complete a 60-credit-hour program; a certificate-seeking student may attempt no more than 45 credit hours to complete a 30-credit-hour program.

Note: If during the SAP review, it becomes clear that you cannot mathematically complete your program within the maximum time frame, you become ineligible for financial aid.

IV. Frequency of Evaluation

The SAP of degree-seeking and certificate-seeking students will be evaluated at the end of each semester: fall, spring, and summer. After each semester, students will be placed in the appropriate status as outlined in Section V.

V. Initial, Satisfactory, Warning, Suspension and/or Maximum Time Frame and Probation Status

  1. Initial Status: Students who have no academic record at the College and are applying for financial aid for the first time are placed in initial status. Students in initial status may receive financial aid if otherwise eligible.
  2. Satisfactory Status: Financial aid applicants who meet the standards in Section III are in satisfactory status. Students in satisfactory status may receive financial aid if otherwise eligible.
  3. Warning Status: When financial aid applicants are in satisfactory status and do not meet the standards in Section III, they are placed in warning status. Students in warning status may receive financial aid if otherwise eligible.
  4. Suspension Status and Maximum Time Frame Status: When financial aid applicants who are in warning status do not meet the standards in Section III, they are placed in suspension or maximum time frame status and are not eligible to receive financial aid.
  5. Probation Status: When financial aid applicants who are in suspension and/or maximum time frame status submit an appeal and the appeal is granted, they are placed on probation status for one semester.

Note: Students who have an academic record at the College, including transferred classes, and are applying for financial aid for the first time at the College will be evaluated according to the SAP policy in Section III and placed in the appropriate status.

VI. Appeal of Suspension and Maximum Time Frame

Status Students who are in suspension and/or maximum time frame status may appeal their eligibility for financial aid to the SAP Appeals Committee based on extenuating or special circumstances, such as death of a relative, injury or illness. Financial need is not sufficient criteria on which to base your appeal. There must be reasonable expectation that a student can regain eligibility if reinstated. The appeal process is completed online using your MyKC.

In order for the appeal to be considered it must be submitted by midterm of the semester in which you are requesting financial aid.  The SAP Appeal Committee meets on a regular basis. Students will be notified of the Committees decision by email within 30 calendar days of submission. The decision of the committee is final.

VII. Notification of Status

The Financial Aid office will notify you when you are in warning, suspension, and/or maximum time frame and probation status. However, it’s the student’s responsibility to know their status and if eligible for financial aid.

VIII. Notice

The College’s SAP policy is subject to change without notice to comply with federal or state regulations, or Kaskaskia College Board of Trustee policy or action. For the most current Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, visit Financial Aid.


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