Atmospheric Science
Course Overview
Course Code: PSCI-180
Department: Physical Science
Credit Hours: 3.00
Illinois Articulation Initiative Number: IAI P1 905
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
Atmospheric science is intended to provide an overview of the major concepts related to the atmosphere. Likely topics: temperature, moisture, pressure, wind, weather patterns, nature of violent storms such as tornadoes and hurricanes. A study of air pollution and human impact on climate is also included.
Course Schedule
Term: Spring 2025
Section Name: PSCI-180-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 21
Faculty Name: P. Vig
Min Credits: 3.00
Term: Spring 2025 (Early Starting)
Section Name: PSCI-180-OL98D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 12
Faculty Name: P. Vig
Min Credits: 3.00