Softball Participation
Course Overview
Course Code: PHED-233
Department: Physical Education
Credit Hours: 1.00
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
A course designed to give credit for knowledge and skills gained through varsity sports participation which may be substituted in lieu of physical education. Open to all students of the gender to which varsity sports are offered and actual game participation is not required for successful course completion. However, participation in routine practice sessions is necessary. May be repeated three times for a maximum of four semester hours applicable toward a degree.
Course Schedule
Term: Spring 2025
Section Name: PHED-233-MC01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 15
Faculty Name: J. Barnes
Min Credits: 1.00
Term: Spring 2026
Section Name: PHED-233-MC01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 25
Faculty Name: J. Barnes
Min Credits: 1.00