Course Overview
Course Code: PHED-117
Department: Physical Education
Credit Hours: 1.00
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
This course is an individualized program of running activities for self-motivated runners. Each student will meet with the instructor in the instructor's office. At that time a schedule of training sessions will be agreed upon for the semester. The student will train on his/her own a recommended 3 to 5 days a week with 15 to 60 minutes of continuous aerobic activity per session and will make a record of their training sessions. This running log will be mandatory for each participant. Goals established with the instructor may include competing in an area road race/races. Stress will be placed on running for enjoyment.
Course Schedule
Term: Summer 2025
Section Name: PHED-117-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 25
Faculty Name: M. Koester
Min Credits: 1.00
Term: Fall 2025
Section Name: PHED-117-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 25
Faculty Name: M. Koester
Min Credits: 1.00
Term: Spring 2026
Section Name: PHED-117-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 25
Faculty Name: M. Koester
Min Credits: 1.00