AFA Portfolio

Course Overview

Course Code: MUSC-299

Department: Music

Credit Hours: 1.00

Textbook Information: Bookstore website

This course is the culmination of two years of Associate in Fine Arts degree. Students will create a portfolio using a current form of media technology. This course will include a half-recital or project of a similar scope, as appropriate to the student's focus and as approved by the instructor. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor or Academic Dean

Course Schedule


Term: Spring 2025

Section Name: MUSC-299-MC01D

Location: Main Campus

Available Seats: 23

Faculty Name: C. Paul

Min Credits: 1.00


Term: Spring 2026

Section Name: MUSC-299-MC01D

Location: Main Campus

Available Seats: 24

Faculty Name: C. Paul

Min Credits: 1.00


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