Aural Skills IV

Course Overview

Course Code: MUSC-202

Department: Music

Credit Hours: 1.00

Textbook Information: Bookstore website

Continuation of MUSC 201. Develop sight singing and dictation skills necessary for performance and teaching of tonal music. Focuses on rhythmic performance and drills intervals, scales, triads, and simple melodies. Introduces Neapolitan, Augmented Chords, Asymmetrical Meters, Medieval Modes, and Twentieth Century Melodies. Prerequisite: MUSC 201 grade of C or better

Course Schedule


Term: Spring 2025

Section Name: MUSC-202-MC01D

Location: Main Campus

Available Seats: 23

Faculty Name: C. Paul

Min Credits: 1.00


Term: Spring 2026

Section Name: MUSC-202-MC01D

Location: Main Campus

Available Seats: 16

Faculty Name: C. Paul

Min Credits: 1.00


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