College Algebra Support
Course Overview
Course Code: MATH-034
Department: Mathematics
Credit Hours: 2.00
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
Presents prerequisite skills necessary to be successful in MATH 134-College Algebra. Taught concurrently with MATH 134 -College Algebra by integrating course content with instruction in the reading/learning/critical thinking skills necessary for successful performance of MATH 134-College Algebra course work. These skills will assist with the study of basic algebraic operations and expand their use to cover major topics of factoring; working with exponents; solving equations, including linear, quadratic and systems; graphing and functions. Prerequisites: Meet placement via the Placement Chart in the college catalog. Concurrent enrollment required in Math 134. A failing grade in MATH 134 will result in a failure to pass MATH 034, regardless of any previous scores in MATH 034. Withdrawing from MATH 134 will result in an automatic withdrawal from MATH 034. This course is only offered face-to-face.
Course Schedule
Term: Spring 2025
Section Name: MATH-034-MC01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 3
Faculty Name: B. Keller
Min Credits: 2.00
Comments: Students enrolling in MATH 034 MUST also enroll in MATH 134. Students in this section of MATH 034 must complete at least 2 hours of in-person seat time each week from the available lab time above. Students may choose their hours. A tablet/laptop with internet browser is required at every meeting.