Mapping and Geospatial Analysis
Course Overview
Course Code: GEOG-150
Department: Geography
Credit Hours: 3.00
Illinois Articulation Initiative Number: IAI S4905
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
The goals of this course are threefold: 1) To help you to think spatially, analytically, and critically; 2) To help you become better problem solvers using maps; and 3) To teach you to use maps and spatial analysis to understand geographic problems. In this class, you will learn the fundamentals of mapping, GPS, Geospatial Information System (GIS) theory, spatial analysis, cartography, remote sensing, and UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems). Geospatial Technology (GST) integrates innovative tools (such as software and hardware) and techniques (such as data capture, display, and analysis) that allows users to view, question, interpret, visualize, and analyze temporal and spatial relationships. GST can be used for scientific investigations, resource management, asset management, environmental impact assessment, urban planning, cartography, criminology, geographic history, marketing, and logistics, to name a few. In fact, whenever (and where ever) there is a spatial and/or temporal component, GST can serve as a tool for problem solving. Ultimately, GST helps you collect data, answer questions, and solve problems. Students will be required to download and install ArcGIS Pro software and establish ArcGIS Online accounts to complete assignment/lab elements within the course. Both of these resources are accessible and free through
Course Schedule
Term: Fall 2025
Section Name: GEOG-150-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 25
Faculty Name: B. Fink
Min Credits: 3.00
Term: Spring 2026
Section Name: GEOG-150-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 25
Faculty Name: B. Fink
Min Credits: 3.00