Course Overview
Course Code: PSCI-103
Department: Physical Science
Credit Hours: 4.00
Illinois Articulation Initiative Number: IAI P1 907 L
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
A laboratory course that examines basic geologic principles from a physical or historical perspective. Includes such topics as the formation of rocks and minerals; internal and external processes modifying the earth's surface and phenomena; and the evolutionary history of the earth, including its life forms, oceans and atmosphere.
Course Schedule
Term: Fall 2025
Section Name: PSCI-103-MC01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 22
Faculty Name: P. Vig
Min Credits: 4.00
Term: Spring 2025
Section Name: PSCI-103-MC01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 20
Faculty Name: P. Vig
Min Credits: 4.00
Term: Spring 2026
Section Name: PSCI-103-MC01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 24
Faculty Name: P. Vig
Min Credits: 4.00