Fundamentals of Nursing I
Course Overview
Course Code: PRNU-151
Department: Practical Nursing
Credit Hours: 4.00
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
This course presents to the student the skills required to deliver basic nursing care. Emphasis is placed upon underlying scientific principles. The theory component of the class is presented in the classroom, followed by demonstrations, supervised practice and testing of specific skills in the laboratory setting. Students will be expected to successfully perform specific skills meeting designated critical criteria. The concept of the nursing process will be integrated throughout the course. Prerequisite: Admission to the Practical Nursing Program
Course Schedule
Term: Fall 2025
Section Name: PRNU-151-MC77D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 36
Faculty Name: R. McElhose, K. Storm, T. Arnold
Min Credits: 4.00
Term: Spring 2025
Section Name: PRNU-151-MC77D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 9
Faculty Name: R. McElhose, K. Storm, T. Arnold
Min Credits: 4.00
Term: Spring 2026
Section Name: PRNU-151-MC77D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 36
Faculty Name: R. McElhose, K. Storm, T. Arnold
Min Credits: 4.00