Dental Materials II
Course Overview
Course Code: DNTA-132
Department: Dental Assisting
Credit Hours: 2.00
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
This course is a continuation of DNTA 114 with further exposure and practical application of the materials and equipment used in the dental office at chair-side and at the laboratory work bench. The information covered in this course will include fixed and removable prosthodontics, abrasives and polishing materials, specialty materials and dental implants. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Fall Semester Dental Assisting courses
Course Schedule
Term: Spring 2025
Section Name: DNTA-132-MC01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 5
Faculty Name: M. Hill, L. Schmidt
Min Credits: 2.00
Term: Spring 2026
Section Name: DNTA-132-MC01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 15
Faculty Name: M. Hill
Min Credits: 2.00