Dental Science II

Course Overview

Course Code: DNTA-111

Department: Dental Assisting

Credit Hours: 2.00

Textbook Information: Bookstore website

This course is an extension of DNTA 110. Dental Science II is designed to give the student an understanding of the embryologic development of the facial structures and development of the teeth from the crown to the root. Oral histology and possible pathological conditions that may affect the dentition or oral cavity are also covered. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Fall Semester Dental Assisting courses

Course Schedule


Term: Spring 2025

Section Name: DNTA-111-MC01D

Location: Main Campus

Available Seats: 5

Faculty Name: L. Schmidt

Min Credits: 2.00


Term: Spring 2026

Section Name: DNTA-111-MC01D

Location: Main Campus

Available Seats: 15

Faculty Name: L. Schmidt

Min Credits: 2.00


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