Ultrasound Clinical II

Course Overview

Course Code: DGMS-237

Department: Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Credit Hours: 8.00

Textbook Information: Bookstore website

This course is a continuation of DGMS 236. The student is assigned to an approved clinical facility. The student is responsible for completing assigned clinical hours where they participate in departmental activities and are taught the proper scanning techniques/methods associated with abdominal, pelvic, superficial structures under direct supervision of a diagnostic medical sonographer. Prerequisite: Successful completion of DGMS 236 or with approval of instructor or Academic Dean

Course Schedule


Term: Spring 2025

Section Name: DGMS-237-MC01D

Location: Onsite Clinicals

Available Seats: 5

Faculty Name: C. Hoffmann

Min Credits: 8.00

Comments: This class is for accepted DGMS students only.

Term: Spring 2026

Section Name: DGMS-237-MC01D

Location: Onsite Clinicals

Available Seats: 15

Faculty Name: C. Hoffmann

Min Credits: 8.00

Comments: This class is for accepted DGMS students only.

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