Intro to Computer Applications
Course Overview
Course Code: CITA-151
Department: Office Technologies
Credit Hours: 4.00
Illinois Articulation Initiative Number: IAI BUS 902
Textbook Information: Bookstore website
Designed primarily for students planning to major in business. Course will acquaint and train students in the use of business software including word processing, database management, spreadsheets, presentation software, and Internet access methods.
Course Schedule
Term: Fall 2025
Section Name: CITA-151-HY01D
Location: Main Campus
Available Seats: 18
Faculty Name: N. Wilkins
Min Credits: 4.00
Comments: This course is taught using a Windows version of Microsoft Office. An Apple Mac using Microsoft Office will be acceptable except for a unit covering Microsoft Access. During this time, the student will need access to a Windows computer that has Access installed. Google Chromebooks are not acceptable for this course.
Term: Summer 2025
Section Name: CITA-151-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 23
Faculty Name: N. Wilkins
Min Credits: 4.00
Term: Fall 2025
Section Name: CITA-151-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 20
Faculty Name: N. Wilkins
Min Credits: 4.00
Comments: This course is taught using a Windows version of Microsoft Office. An Apple Mac using Microsoft Office will be acceptable except for a unit covering Microsoft Access. During this time, the student will need access to a Windows computer that has Access installed. Google Chromebooks are not acceptable for this course.
Term: Spring 2025
Section Name: CITA-151-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 7
Faculty Name: N. Wilkins
Min Credits: 4.00
Comments: This course is taught using a Windows version of Microsoft Office. An Apple Mac using Microsoft Office will be acceptable except for a unit covering Microsoft Access. During this time, the student will need access to a Windows computer that has Access installed. Google Chromebooks are not acceptable for this course.
Term: Spring 2026
Section Name: CITA-151-OL01D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 25
Faculty Name: N. Wilkins
Min Credits: 4.00
Comments: This course is taught using a Windows version of Microsoft Office. An Apple Mac using Microsoft Office will be acceptable except for a unit covering Microsoft Access. During this time, the student will need access to a Windows computer that has Access installed. Google Chromebooks are not acceptable for this course.
Term: Fall 2025 (Late Starting)
Section Name: CITA-151-OL88D
Location: Online
Available Seats: 25
Faculty Name: N. Wilkins
Min Credits: 4.00
Comments: This course is taught using a Windows version of Microsoft Office. An Apple Mac using Microsoft Office will be acceptable except for a unit covering Microsoft Access. During this time, the student will need access to a Windows computer that has Access installed. Google Chromebooks are not acceptable for this course.