Kaskaskia College Police Director Shawn Richards Selected for Prestigious FBI National Command Course
October 8, 2024

Centralia, IL - Kaskaskia College Police Department is proud to announce that Director of Public Safety Shawn Richards was one of only 100 police executives nationwide selected to participate in the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) National Command Course (NCC) held at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, this past July.
Being part of the FBI's National Command Course was an amazing opportunity to sharpen my leadership skills and connect with other law enforcement leaders from all over the country, said Richards. I'm excited to bring back what I've learned to better serve our Kaskaskia College community. It's been an honor to represent our department on such a national stage."
The NCC is a highly regarded leadership program specifically designed for police departments with fewer than 50 employees. The course offers advanced training in key areas critical to law enforcement leadership, including the Psychology of Leadership, Image Management, Officer Wellness, and Leadership for a Lifetime.
As part of the program, Richards and his fellow attendees also visited the George Washington Leadership Institute at Mt. Vernon, Virginia, where they engaged with distinguished speakers Lt. General Paul T. Mikolashek, U.S. Army (Ret.), and Rear Admiral Peter H. Cressy, U.S. Navy (Ret.). These sessions provided valuable insights into strategy, leadership, and management, drawing on the historical legacy of America's first President.
Richards had the opportunity to network and share ideas with police executives from across the country, representing states such as California, Washington, New Jersey, Iowa, South Carolina, New York, Florida, and Wisconsin, among others. This experience not only highlights the commitment of the Kaskaskia College Police Department to excellence in leadership but also strengthens the department's ability to serve and protect the college community.