Name | Position | Office | Phone | Type | |
Vanessa Burgess | Children's Learning Center Teacher Children's Leaving Center |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 176 | 618-545-3323 | vburgess@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
James Patrick | Development and Grant Coordinator Business Office |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3149 | jpatrick@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Nathan Young | Assistant Professor Theatre & Communication Arts and Sciences |
Fine Arts, A 108 | 618-545-3324 | nyoung@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Tori Lueke | Assistant Nursing Professor Nursing |
Nursing, N 112 | 618-545-3335 | tlueke@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
James Anderson | Director of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness |
Administration, AD 204 | 618-545-3173 | JAnderson@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Brittani Miller | English Transition Success Coach ACE |
Library, L 101 | 618-545-3226 | BMiller@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Darrell Johnson | Assistant Professor of Residential/Commercial Electrical Technology Electrical Tech |
Trenton Education Center, TC109 | 618-545-3082 | DJohnson@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Sandra Griffin | Culinary Services Assistant Cafeteria/Catering Cafeteria & Catering |
Fine Arts, A 124A | 618-545-3194 | sgriffin@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Marcus Abston | Assistant Professor Biology Biology |
Administration, AD 111D | 618-545-3302 | mabston@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Janelle Lyons | Buildings and Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA100A | JLyons@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Tara Kellermann | Financial Aid Advisor Financial Aid |
Health and Business, HB130 | 618-545-3081 | TKellermann@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Dean Meredith | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | rmeredith@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Emily Eilers | Financial Aid Advisor/Veterans Coordinator Financial Aid |
Health and Business, HB 138 | 618-545-3075 | eeilers@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Juliana Weiner | Children's Learning Center Teacher Children's Learning Center |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 188 | 618-545-3323 | jweiner@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Perry Michael | Part Time Women's Basketball Coach Athletics |
Gymnasium, G 202 | 618-545-3146 | pmichael@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Chris Holloway | Executive Director of Grounds & Maintenance Campus Operations |
Administration, AD 208A | 618-545-3136 | cholloway@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kylee Williams | Director of Information Technology Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121A | 618-545-3099 | kwilliams@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Madeleine Renken | Instructional Designer Title III |
Library, L 148 | 618-545-3061 | mrenken@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Mike Pender | Coordinator of Custodial Services Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | 618-545-3139 | mpender@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kevin Jansen | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | kjansen@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Jessica Niepoetter | Admissions Counselor Admissions |
Health and Business, HB 109 | 618-545-3047 | jniepoetter@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jenna Astroth | Evening Coordinator Trenton Ed Center Education Centers |
618-545-3475 | jastroth@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Zachary Miller | HVAC Instructor Centralia Correctional Center |
Centralia Correctional Center, Centralia Correctional Center | 533-4111 | zmiller@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Reece Rutland | WEI Partnership Coordinator CRISP Education Center |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 136 | 618-545-3378 | rrutland@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Stephanie Burgher | Assistant Professor of Psychology Psychology |
Health and Business, HB 212 | 618-545-3420 | sburgher@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Kendra Mueller | Assistant Professor Health Information Technology Instructional Services Health Sciences |
Nursing, N 104 | 618-545-3429 | kmueller@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Rachel Johnson | Administrative Assistant Centralia Correctional Center Centralia Correctional Center |
Centralia Correctional Center, Centralia Correctional Center | 618-533-4111 | rjohnson2@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kimberly Basch | Nursing & Allied Health Success Coach Nursing |
Nursing, N 119 | 618-545-3431 | kbasch@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Linza Brachear | Academic Advisor Advising |
Health and Business, HB 114 | 618-545-3157 | lbrachear@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jyron Oliver | Human Resources Generalist Human Resources |
Science and Technology, ST 204 | 618-545-3024 | joliver@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Rayne Niederhofer | Accounts Receivable Specialist Accounts Receivable |
Health and Business, HB 130 | 618-545-3056 | rniederhofer@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Cari Butts | Cosmetology Facilitator Career and Technical |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 150 | 618-545-3386 | cbutts@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Craig Boehne | Manufacturing & Work-Based Learning Coordinator Workforce Engagement and Industrial Careers |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CR 127A | 618-545-3428 | cboehne2@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Mary Suedmeyer | Assistant Professor Nursing Nursing |
Nursing, N 117 | 618-545-3248 | msuedmeyer@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Matthew Dunbar | Cooking Instructor Centralia Correctional Center |
Centralia Correctional Center, Centralia Correctional Center | 618-533-4111 | mdunbar@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Cody Paul | Assistant Professor Music Arts and Sciences |
Health and Business, A 106 | 618-545-3341 | cpaul@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Trishia Kohnen | Administrative Assistant/Classroom Assistant CLC Children's Learning Center |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 174 | 618-545-3376 | tkohnen@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kali Michael | Retention & Online Student Success Coordinator ACE |
Library, L 139 | 618-545-3134 | kmichael@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jennifer Brink | Accounts Payable Specialist Accounts Payable |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3116 | jbrink@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Megan Warden | Infant Children's Learning Center Teacher Childrens Learning Center |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 176 | 618-545-3323 | mwarden@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Tina Winkeler | Staff Accountant Business Office |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3232 | twinkeler@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Taryn Chesnek | CTE Work-Based Learning Specialist Workforce Engagement and Industrial Careers |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 135 | 618-545-3434 | tchesnek@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Michael Fuqua | Food Service Manager Cafeteria & Catering |
Fine Arts, A 124B | 618-545-3077 | mfuqua@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Susan Weibley | Culinary Services Assistant Cafeteria & Catering |
Fine Arts, A 124A | 618-545-3194 | sweibley@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Michael Christensen | Executive Director of Development Institutional Advancement |
Administration, AD 200A | 618-545-3069 | mchristensen@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Cynthia Field | EMT/Paramedicine Program Facilitator Nursing |
Vandalia Education Center, VC 125 | 618-545-3195 | cfield@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Kendra Ripperda | Finance & Advancement Services Administrative Assistant Administrative Services |
Administration, AD 209 | 618-545-3073 | kripperda@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Sara Hanks | Vice President of Administrative Services Administrative Services |
Administration, AD 211 | 618-545-3105 | shanks@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Byron Shanks | Industrial Technology Instructor Greenville Prison Greenville Ed Center |
Greenville Education Center, GC 105 | 618-545-3470 | bshanks@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Sarah Foley | Assistant Professor Sociology Social Sciences |
Health and Business, HB 206 | 618-545-3387 | sfoley@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Jessica Foster | Adult Education Data/Budget Analyst Adult Education |
Library, L 144 | 618-545-3402 | jfoster@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Shawn Connelly | Director of Campus Operations Campus Operations |
Administration, AD 208 | 618-545-3169 | sconnelly@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Katy Knolhoff | Assistant Professor Nursing Nursing |
Nursing, N 113 | 618-545-3339 | kknolhoff@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Ron Perkins | Safety and Security officer Safety & Security |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 103 | 618-545-3411 | RPerkins@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Eric Howard | Industrial Trades and Manufacturing Welding |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 115 | 618-545-3406 | ehoward@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Margo Wagner | Rev Up EV Grant Manager/Success Coash Business Office |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3161 | mwagner@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Rebecca Hitpas | Early Childhood Consortium Coach Children's Learning Center |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 176 | 618-545-3354 | rhitpas@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Byron Keller | Math Transition Success Coach Academic Center for Excellence |
Library, L 120 | 618-545-3022 | bkeller@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Justine Milicevic | Reading Link Coordinator Adult Education |
Library, L 147 | 618-545-3119 | jmilicevic@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Rachael Burkhardt | Bridge & ICAPS Coordinator Adult Education |
Library, L 145 | 618-545-3260 | rburkhardt@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Josie Spihlmann | Assistant Professor Mathematics Mathematics |
Science and Technology, ST 103 | 618-545-3377 | JSpihlmann@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Scott Steward | Athletic Director Athletics |
Science and Technology, ST 130 | 618-545-3440 | ssteward@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Diana Taintor | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | dtaintor@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Colten Leidner | IT Support Technician Information Technology |
Life Long Learning Center, ST 121 | 618-545-3281 | cleidner@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jennifer Gazda | Accounts Receivable Specialist Accounts Receivable |
Health and Business, HB 130 | 618-545-3058 | jgazda@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Nathaniel Gibbs | Warehouse & Distribution Occupations Instructor Centralia Correctional Center |
Centralia Correctional Center, Centralia Correctional Center | 618-533-4111 | ngibbs@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Zachary Ricke | Systems Administrator Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3111 | zricke@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Lisa Wright | Perkins Project Coordinator Perkins |
Health and Business, HB 136 | 618-545-3067 | lwright@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Maurya Gill | HR Coordinator Human Resources |
Science and Technology, ST 204 | 618-545-3072 | mgill@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Steven Foutch | Dean of Student Success Library |
Library, L 131 | 618-545-3070 | sfoutch@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Joy Fitts | Dean of Workforce Engagement & Industrial Career Service Workforce Engagement & Industrial Career Service |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 135 | 618-545-3113 | jfitts@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kevin Wheeler | Assistant Professor Auto Tech Automotive Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 124 | 618-545-3388 | kwheeler@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Laura Pokojski | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | lpokojski@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Gina Cagle | Adult Education & Literacy Coordinator Adult Education & Literacy |
Library, L 141 | 618-545-3096 | gcagle@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Whitney Wadkins | Assistant Professor Nursing Nursing |
Nursing, N 111 | 618-545-3349 | wwadkins@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Lindsey Utech | Grant and Contract Accountant Business Office |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3180 | lutech@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Alison Bauza | Nashville Education Center Coordinator Education Centers |
Nashville Education Center, NC 108 | 618-545-3491 | abauza@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Levi Cross | Assistant Controller Business Office |
Administration, AD 104B | 618-545-3021 | lcross@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Terri Freeman | Director of Equity and Access Business |
Health and Business, HB 118 | 618-545-3280 | tfreeman@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Abbie Potter | Planning & Projects Administrative Assistant Campus Operations |
Administration, AD 208 | 618-545-3144 | apotter@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Connor Pollmann | Assistant Professor Business Business |
Health and Business, HB 203 | 618-545-3328 | cpollmann@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Aryashree Kharel | Assistant Professor Chemistry Chemistry |
Science and Technology, ST 112 | 618-545-3361 | akharel@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Amy Woltering | Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Assistant Physical Therapy |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 113 | 618-545-3242 | awoltering@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Christopher Wellen | Construction Occupations Instructor - CCC Carpentry Occupations |
Centralia Correctional Center, Centralia Correctional Center | 618-533-4111 | cwellen@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Lesley Brower | Assistant Professor English English |
Health and Business, HB 215 | 618-545-3340 | lbrower@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Andrea Shipley | Director of Salem Education Center Education Centers |
Salem Education Center, SC 101 | 618-545-3436 | ashipley@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Shawn Richards | Director of Public Safety Public Safety |
Health and Business, HB 103 | 618-545-3198 | srichards@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Deanna Kreher | IT Services & Support Coordinator Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3193 | dkreher@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Todd Lewis | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vandalia Education Center, VA 100A | 618-545-3445 | tlewis@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Erin Hitchcock | Director of Learning Innovation and Design Online Student Support |
Library, L 149 | 618-545-3167 | ehitchcock@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kaylee Hilmes | Assistant Professor Nursing Nursing |
Nursing, N 111 | 618-545-3350 | khilmes@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Michelle Sarver | Career Technology Instructor Centralia Correctional Center |
Centralia Correctional Center, Centralia Correctional Center | 618-533-4111 | msarver@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Sara Koopmann | Allied Health and General Lab Assistant Nursing |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 133 | 618-545-3366 | skoopmann@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Marion Garrett | Student Recruiter / SEALS Community Connector Student Recruiter |
Health and Business, HB 113 | 618-545-3122 | mgarrett@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Timothy Brown | Maintenance Specialist Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 101 | 618-545-3143 | tbrown@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Charlee George | SEALs Coach/Academic Advisor Advising |
Health and Business, HB 106 | 618-545-3132 | cgeorge@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
George Kriss | Vice President of Institutional Support & Technology and CIO Institutional Support & Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 204 | 618-545-3018 | gkriss@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Nicholas Rahar | Director of TRIO TRIO |
Health and Business, HB 134 | 618-545-3032 | nrahar@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Catherine Legrand | Payroll & Accounting Specialist Payroll |
Administration, AD 105 | 618-545-3109 | clegrand@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kelsey Tate | Dual Credit & Career Pathways Coordinator Career Pathways |
Health and Business, HB 117 | 618-545-3174 | ktate@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Whitley Wyciskalla | Academic Advisor Advising |
Health and Business, HB 112 | 618-545-3050 | wwyciskalla@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Suzanne Arndt | Assistant Professor Accounting Accounting |
Health and Business, HB 201 | 618-545-3329 | sarndt@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Rachel Hartmann | Library and Student Success Specialist Library |
Library, L 130 | 618-545-3133 | rhartmann@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Cary Day | Marketing and Public Information Coordinator Marketing |
Library, L 234 | 618-545-3182 | cday@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kyle Floyd | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | kfloyd@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Jenna Ratermann | Assistant Volleyball Coach Athletics |
Gymnasium, G 121 | 618-545-3372 | jratermann@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Traci Masau | Dean of Career & Technical Education Career and Technical Education |
Administration, AD 200B | 618-545-3030 | tmasau@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Shelby Guthrie | Assistant Professor Nursing/LPN Nursing |
Nursing, N 119 | 618-545-3243 | sguthrie@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
William Haake | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | whaake@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Milan (Russ) Gardner | Safety & Security Officer Safety & Security |
Health and Business, HB 100 | 618-545-3199 | mgardner@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Karol Potter | Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees President's Office |
Administration, AD 203 | 618-545-3011 | kpotter@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Dustin Wilson | Assistant Baseball Coach Athletics |
Gymnasium, G 120 | 618-545-3327 | dwilson@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jody Roper | Financial Aid Advisor Financial Aid |
Health and Business, HB 127 | 618-545-3085 | jroper@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Lauri Dougherty | Grant Accountant Business Office |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3114 | ldougherty@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Shara Smith | Coordinator of Vandalia and Greenville Centers Education Centers |
Vandalia Education Center, VC 100 | 618-545-3452 | ssmith2@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Brian Atchison | Police Officer Public Safety |
Health and Business, HB 105 | 618-545-3196 | batchison@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Myka Hugo | Enrollment Specialist Admissions |
Health and Business, HB 109 | 618-545-3045 | mhugo@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Maria Zimmermann | Payroll Specialist Payroll |
Administration, AD 105 | 618-545-3125 | mzimmermann@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Michael Geiger | Associate Professor Mathematics Mathematics |
Science and Technology, ST 108 | 618-545-3370 | mgeiger@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Timothy Wight | Assistant Professor Art Art Department |
Health and Business, HB 213 | 618-545-3337 | twight@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Marsha Baro | Assistant Professor Nursing/LPN Nursing |
Nursing, N 117 | 618-545-3333 | mbaro@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Janet Fontenot | Assessment Coordinator Assessment |
618-545-3330 | jfontenot@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Kristin Gebke | Network Support Specialist Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3207 | kgebke@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Doreen Buckmore | Culinary Services Assistant Cafeteria/Catering Cafeteria & Catering |
Fine Arts, A 124A | 618-545-3194 | dbuckmore@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
John Barnes | Womens Softball Coach Athletics |
jbarnes@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | ||
Phyllis Pick | ACE Specialist Academic Center for Excellence |
Health and Business, L 130 | 618-545-3089 | ppick@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Rachel Varel | Director of Education Program Centralia Correctional Center |
Centralia Correctional Center, Centralia Correctional Center | 618-533-4111 | rvarel@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Cheryl Rushing | Associate Professor Physical Therapy Assistant Physical Therapy |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 112 | 618-545-3220 | crushing@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Mark Litteken | Assistant Professor Resident/Commercial Electrical Technology Industrial Technology |
Trenton Education Center, TC 111 | 618-545-3478 | mlitteken@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Alan Boerngen | Associate Dean of Institutional Assessment Instructional Services |
Life Long Learning Center, LLC 104 | 618-545-3301 | aboerngen@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Sherry Cantrill | Safety & Security Officer Safety & Security |
Health and Business, HB 100 | 618-545-3199 | scantrill@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Christine Wheeler | Director of Trenton Center Education Centers |
Trenton Education Center, TC 105 | 618-545-3476 | cwheeler@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Olivia Hanks | Administrative Assistant to Student Engagement Recruitment |
Health and Business, HB 109 | 618-545-3158 | ohanks@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Travis Field | Healthcare Simulation Lab Technician/AHA Coordinator Nursing |
Nursing, N 104 | 618-545-3249 | tfield@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kevin Hodge | Safety & Security Officer Safety & Security |
Health and Business, HB 100 | 618-545-3199 | khodge@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Cory Wellen | Associate Professor Welding Welding |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 115 | 618-545-3406 | cwellen2@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Sandi Laurent | Director of Greenville Education Center Education Centers |
Greenville Education Center, GC 102 | 618-545-3466 | slaurent@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Thomas Henegar | Director of Adult Ed & Literacy Adult Education & Literacy |
Library, L 143 | 618-545-3117 | thenegar@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Julie Obermark | Provost & VP Instructional Services Instructional Services |
Administration, AD 206A | 618-545-3015 | jobermark@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jacob Frazier | Application Developer Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3203 | jfrazier@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Amy Blankenship | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | ablankenship@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Lyle Gross | Associate Professor Industrial Technology/Wiring Industrial Technology |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 128 | 618-545-3404 | lgross@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Christina Cody | Marketing Specialist Marketing |
Library, L 234A | 618-545-3183 | ccody@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Mitch Koester | Men's Baseball Coach Athletics |
Gymnasium, G 120 | 618-545-3327 | mkoester@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Yvette Nothaus | Career & Academic Advisor TRIO TRIO |
Health and Business, HB 110 | 618-545-3035 | YNothaus@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Alexis Myers | Assistant Professor Child Care Early Childhood Education |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 142 | 618-545-3351 | amyers@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Tammy Lyons | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | tlyons@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Rebecca McElhose | Associate Professor Nursing/LPN Nursing |
Nursing, N 112 | 618-545-3347 | rmcelhose@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Stephanie Henson | Director Children's Learning Center Children's Learning Center |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 176 | 618-545-3323 | shenson@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Lois Kellermann | Programmer/Analyst Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3202 | lkellermann@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Robert Jervis | Associate Professor of Architecture Design & Building Technology Drafting |
Fine Arts, A 200B | 618-545-3356 | rjervis@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Shannon Zelasko | Lead Library Resource Specialist Library |
Library, L 130 | 618-545-3135 | szelasko@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Angela Meyers | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | ameyers@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Sarah Ratermann | Director of Financial Aid Financial Aid |
Health and Business, HB 129 | 618-545-3084 | sratermann@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Wade Hunter | Maintenance Specialist Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 101 | 618-545-3141 | whunter@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Tabatha Thomas | Assistant Manager of Records & Registration Admissions |
Health and Business, HB 116 | 618-545-3051 | tthomas@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Christena Elliott | Assistant Professor Mathematics Mathematics |
Science and Technology, ST 107 | 618-545-3357 | celliott@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Jerad Hustedde | Safety & Security Officer Safety & Security |
Health and Business, HB 100 | 618-545-3199 | jhustedde@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Pamela Hill | Safety & Security Officer Safety & Security |
Health and Business, HB 100 | 618-545-3199 | phill@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Nichole Macon | Associate Professor Nursing Nursing |
Nursing, N 116 | 618-545-3317 | nmacon@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Bernard Holthaus | Safety & Security Officer Safety & Security |
Health and Business, HB 100 | 618-545-3199 | bholthaus3@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Donald Bade | Asst. Director of Public Safety Public Safety |
Health and Business, HB 100 | 618-545-3199 | dbade@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Amy Sapp | ACE Testing Specialist Academic Center for Excellence |
Library, L 121 | 618-545-3074 | asapp@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kim Storm | Professor Nursing/LPN Practical Nursing |
Nursing, N 118 | 618-545-3332 | kstorm@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Angela Gross | Student Services and Community Education Support Specialist Community Education |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 136 | 618-545-3427 | agross@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Tiffany Hixenbaugh | Institutional Research Support Specialist Institutional Research |
Administration, AD 204 | 618-545-3166 | thixenbaugh@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Terri Sanders | Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Student Services Student Services |
Administration, AD 209 | 618-545-3034 | tsanders@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Mark Kohnen | Professor HVAC HVAC |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 106A | 618-545-3414 | mkohnen@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Robert Rhymes | Assistant Professor Culinary Arts Culinary Arts |
Fine Arts, A 202C2 | 618-545-3311 | rrhymes@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Erin Landers | Assistant Professor Teacher Education Education |
Health and Business, HB 217 | 618-545-3385 | elanders@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Carrie Hancock | Student Outreach Coordinator Admissions |
Health and Business, HB 120 | 618-545-3118 | chancock@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Caitlin Burroughs | Accounts Receivable Specialist Accounts Receivable |
Health and Business, HB 130 | 618-545-3054 | cburroughs@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kathy Crain | Purchasing Coordinator Purchasing Department |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3148 | kcrain@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
William Waggoner | Associate Professor Agriculture Agriculture |
Agriculture Ed. Center, AEC 116A | 618-545-3185 | wwaggoner@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Scott Crothers | Associate Professor Philosophy Philosophy |
Health and Business, HB 207 | 618-545-3176 | scrothers@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Franceska Windler | Coordinator of Student Athlete Development Recruitment |
Health and Business, HB 115 | 618-545-3049 | fwindler@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
George Evans | President President's Office |
Administration, AD 203A | 618-545-3010 | gevans@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Tessa Opfer | Professor Nursing Nursing |
Nursing, N 116 | 618-545-3334 | topfer@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Ronald Kwiatkowski | Coordinator of Mail & Copy Center Mail & Copy Center |
Library, L 235 | 618-545-3152 | rkwiatkowski@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Clint Stevens | Professor English English |
Library, L 224 | 618-545-3238 | cstevens@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Matthew Szatkowski | Maintenance Specialist Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 101 | 618-545-3216 | mszatkowski@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Lisa Ring | Dean of Health Sciences Nursing |
Nursing, N 120 | 618-545-3331 | lring@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Michele Hill | ACE/BLC Specialist Academic Center for Excellence |
Library, L 202 | 618-545-3076 | mhill@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Joshua Woods | Professor English English |
Library, L 224 | 618-545-3241 | jwoods@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Eric Jones | Associate Professor Respiratory Therapy Respiratory Therapy |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 141 | 618-545-3384 | ejones@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Kimberly Rahar | Volleyball Coach/Physical Education Coordinator Athletics |
Gymnasium, G 121 | 618-545-3372 | krahar@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Claudia Smith | Business Services Assistant Financial Accounting |
Life Long Learning Center, LC 101 | 618-545-3106 | cjsmith@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Ivan Neabuhr | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | ineabuhr@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Candace Sloat | Associate Professor Radiologic Technology Radiologic Technology |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 118 | 618-545-3364 | csloat@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Jay Garrett | Associate Professor Psychology Psychology |
Health and Business, HB 219 | 618-545-3343 | jgarrett@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Wendy Blythe | Director of Vandalia Center Education Centers |
Vandalia Education Center, VC 126 | 618-545-3446 | wblythe@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Nathan Wilkins | Professor Office System Technology Office Technologies |
Health and Business, HB 209 | 618-545-3316 | nwilkins@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Brandi Wilkins | Professor of Communication Speech |
Health and Business, HB 211 | 618-545-3368 | bwilkins@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Peter Vig | Professor Physics/Physical Science Physical Science |
Science and Technology, ST 207 | 618-545-3373 | pvig@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Beth Urban | Professor Respiratory Therapy Respiratory Therapy |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 137 | 618-545-3352 | burban@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Cheryl Twenhafel | Director of Human Resources Human Resources |
Science and Technology, ST 204 | 618-545-3023 | ctwenhafel@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Travis Turley | Data Communications Specialist Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3097 | tturley@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Amy Zanton | Vice President of Student Services Student Services |
Health and Business, AD 205 | 618-545-3033 | azanton@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jeffrey Sulcer | Associate Professor History History |
Health and Business, HB 214 | 618-545-3344 | jsulcer@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Mike Stone | Systems Manager Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3201 | mstone@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Linda Still | Admin Assistant Career and Technical Education Career and Technical Education |
Administration, AD 200 | 618-545-3031 | lstill@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Lori Schmidt | Professor Dental Assisting Dental Assisting |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 168 | 618-545-3320 | lschmidt@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Robyn Rohrscheib | Business Services Assistant Purchasing & Inventory Control |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3102 | rrohrscheib@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Brandon Richter | Network Manager Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 132 | 618-545-3197 | brichter@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Cydney Richardson | Coordinator of Workforce Development & Community Education Community Education |
Administration, AD 200 | 618-545-3256 | crichardson@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Kerri Richards | Professor Office System Technology Office Technologies |
Library, L 202A | 618-545-3353 | krichards@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Mimi Polczynski | Director of Radiologic Technology Radiologic Technology |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 121 | 618-545-3363 | mpolczynski@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Misti Pawlisa | Staff Accountant II Accounts Payable |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3101 | mpawlisa@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Staci Palm | Dean of Enrollment Services Advising |
Health and Business, HB 107 | 618-545-3048 | spalm@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jodi Palm | Professor Mathematics Mathematics |
Science and Technology, ST 110 | 618-545-3360 | jpalm@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
John Orlet | Professor English English |
Health and Business, HB 205 | 618-545-3345 | jorlet@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Brad Odum | Professor Health Health |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 101 | 618-545-3358 | bodum@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Nancy Mattson | Director of Student Accounts Accounts Receivable |
Health and Business, HB 131 | 618-545-3055 | nmattson@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
William Mathena | Professor Biological Sciences Biology |
Administration, AD 111C | 618-545-3303 | bmathena@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Kelli Malone | Professor of Cosmetology Cosmetology |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 149 | 618-545-3306 | kmalone@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Mark Lee | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | mlee@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Kenneth Ingersoll | Professor of Criminal Justice Criminal Justice |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 104 | 618-545-3336 | kingersoll@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Angenien Huffstutler | Associate Professor Computer Information Technology Computer Info Tech |
Health and Business, HB 224A | 618-545-3315 | ahuffstutler@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Cynthia Hoffmann | Professor Diagnostic Medical Sonography Diagnostic Medical Sonography |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 120 | 618-545-3365 | choffmann@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Kellie Henegar | Dean of Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences |
Administration, AD 200C | 618-545-3025 | khenegar@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Aaron Heinzmann | Professor Agriculture Agriculture |
Agriculture Ed. Center, AEC 110A | 618-545-3381 | aheinzmann@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Margo Guetersloh | Administrative Assistant Dean of Nursing Nursing |
Nursing, N 121 | 618-545-3346 | mguetersloh@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Bruce Fink | Professor Biological Sciences Biology |
Administration, AD 111A | 618-545-3305 | bfink@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Laura Findley | Business Services Assistant Accounts Payable |
Administration, AD 104 | 618-545-3103 | lfindley@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Sharon Elwood | Professor Radiologic Technology Radiologic Technology |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 117 | 618-545-3380 | selwood@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Brian Hancock | Men's Basketball Coach Athletics |
Gymnasium, G 002 | 618-545-3362 | bhancock@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jason Cavaletto | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | jcavaletto@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Peter Donnelly | Professor Construction Occupations Carpentry Occupations |
Crisp Manufacturing and Trades Center, CRP 112B | 618-545-3407 | pdonnelly@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Charles DeBernardi | Assistant Professor Automotive Technology Automotive Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 126 | 618-545-3369 | cdebernardi@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Brian Cambron | Assistant Professor Biological Sciences Biology |
Administration, AD 111B | 618-545-3304 | bcambron@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Jamie Boatright | Instructional Services Coordinator Instructional Services |
Administration, AD 206 | 618-545-3016 | jboatright@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Laura Finley | Buildings & Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | lfinley@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Joe Basch | Women's Soccer Coach & Women's / Men's Tennis Coach Athletics |
Science and Technology, ST 128 | 618-545-3175 | jbasch@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Lisa Barrow | Professor Nursing Nursing |
Nursing, N 113 | 618-545-3371 | lbarrow@kaskaskia.edu | Faculty |
Laura Sheathelm | Institutional Research Coordinator Institutional Effectiveness |
Administration, AD 204 | 618-545-3172 | lsheathelm@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Stacy Arning | Programmer/Analyst Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3204 | sarning@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jenna Eldred | Registrar Admissions & Records |
Health and Business, HB 111 | 618-545-3044 | jeldred@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Micki Adams | Enrollment Specialist Admissions |
Health and Business, HB 109 | 618-545-3046 | madams@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Shannon Harris | Buildings and Ground Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | sharris@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Melissa O'Connor | Temporary Kaskaskai Workshop Child Learning Center |
Health and Professional Careers, HPC 173 | 618-545-3323 | MO'Connor@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Amanda Krydynski | CNA Program Facilitator Allied Health |
Nursing, N 118 | 618-545-3087 | AKrydynski@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Patrick Miller | Part Time Learning Specialist TRIO |
Health and Business, HB 108 | 618-545-3039 | pmiller@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Jeff Thomas | Director of Purchasing Business Office |
Administration, AD 104C | 618-545-3228 | JThomas@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Alaina Kohnen | Children's Learning Center Teacher Children's Learning Center |
Health and Professional Careers, PC 176 | 618-545-3323 | akohnen@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Cameron Meredith | Building and Grounds Technician Campus Operations |
Vocational Annex, VA 100A | CMeredith@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Christopher Hottes | Audio/Visual Technician Information Technology |
Science and Technology, ST 121 | 618-545-3210 | chottes@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |
Aaron Collins | Asst. Women's Basketball Coach Athletics |
Gymnasium, G 202 | ACollins@kaskaskia.edu | Staff | |
Jamie Fuqua | Instructional Dean's Coordinator Arts and Sciences |
Administration, AD 200 | 618-545-3026 | jfuqua@kaskaskia.edu | Staff |